Monday, May 18, 2020

Essay on The Fault In Our Stars is a Novel by author John...

The Fault In Our Stars is a novel by author John Green. The story followed the leading character, Hazel Grace Lancaster, as the she battled cancer. Not simply did Hazel want to live the normal life of a 16-year-old girl, but she additionally struggled with what it would probably be like for her parents after she passed away. While Hazel attended a church support class for cancer survivors, she met a boy that was one year older than her, Augustus Waters. While Augustus had a kind of cancer that caused him to lose his leg in addition to wear a prosthetic, it also had a survival rate that was much higher compared to Hazels. From the first day that Hazel and Augustus encountered, the two are practically inseparable. The basis of their†¦show more content†¦At the very end, she learned from Lidewij that Augustus wrote her a eulogy that he sent to Van Houten. The book ended with her reading the eulogy, which stated that he hoped that she was happy with the choices she made. Love Triumphs over Struggle and Hardship Augustus and Hazel had a heroic love story; they brought out the best in each other. Augusts showed Hazel that there was more to life than staying at home and letting the cancer consume you. Meanwhile, Hazel also brought the light back into Augustuss life when he had to stop playing basketball, he felt that there was something missing, and that was when he met her. It did not take long for them to become friends and to fall in love. Together they were invincible, and would not let anything bring them down. In the story Hazel and Augustus went through some hard times; Hazel passed out from over exertion and was admitted into the hospital meanwhile Augustus had to battle with his Osteosarcoma returning. In each of these situations, the two lovers stood by each other’s side every step of the way. It taught them, using issues of love and loss in a wonderful way, declaring that indeed it was better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all The Obligation of Suffering Unsurprisingly for a novel about adolescents dying of cancer, suffering is an outstanding component of the character’s lives. Hazel, Augustus,Show MoreRelatedJohn Green is one of the most popular writers of the 21st century. John Green is not an ordinary700 Words   |  3 PagesJohn Green is one of the most popular writers of the 21st century. John Green is not an ordinary writer. What makes his books so popular is the transition from sadness to a content normality that teenagers tend to relate to. Greens books tend to relate to the life of some teenagers today. Greens serious subjects such as cancer, suicide, isolation, and self-discovery, they are often full of humor and abnormal facts. For many reasons John Greens books belong in high schools today. John Green wasRead MoreThe Fault in Our Stars Essay982 Words   |  4 Pages â€Å"The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, / But in ourselves, that we are underlings.† (Act 1. Scene 2. Julius Caesar.) This pensive line was the inspiration behind the title of John Green’s work of fiction, The Fault in Our Stars. The novel follows young Hazel Grace Lancaster, a stage 4 thyroid cancer patient, who makes the acquaintance of Augustus Waters one fateful day at Support Group. Throughout the novel, Hazel Grace takes not only a physical journey but an emotional one. The upsRead MoreEssay The Fault in Our Stars by John Green1722 Words   |  7 Pages In John Green’s The Fault in Our Stars, cancer possess every character in distinctive ways, yet this isn’t the standard cancer book, because according to the protagonist, â€Å"cancer books suck† (Green 3). Or as Gwynne Ellen Ash views the novel as a, â€Å"learning to trust, and to love, while dying [†¦] there is no sap here, no melodrama, no maudlin schmaltz.† This is about being able to cope with existence. It’s the full human experience—filled with the lightheartedness of life and the darkness of cancerRead MoreJohn Green s The Fault Of Our Stars931 Words   |  4 Pagesmillion copies, John Green’s The Fault In Our Stars is a must read for no other reason than that it swept the nation nearly immediately after being released to the public; however, there’s more. Featuring Hazel Grace Lancaster and Augustus Waters, cancer patients turned star-crossed lovers, The Fault In Our Stars gives readers an â€Å"infinite love story† through just a few hundred pages (Green 2012). Despite critically being tagged as a â€Å"chick flick† with â€Å"poor literary quality,† the novel lends itselfRead MoreBook Report: Fault in Our Stars1243 Words   |  5 PagesThe Fault in Our Stars The Fault in Our Stars is a novel written by John Green. This book was published in 2012 by â€Å"The Penguin Group† with 313 pages. The Fault in Our Stars is a work of fiction, everyone/everything is this book is made up by the author’s imagination. â€Å"The Fault in Our Stars† is a #1 New York Times Bestseller, award winning, and motion picture romance. The reader will follow Hazel and Augustus as these extraordinary teenagers go on a journey that soon turns into a long lasting relationshipRead MoreThe Fault in Our Stars643 Words   |  3 PagesThe Fault in Our Stars Is suffering necessary in our daily lives? Why do we have to suffer, why is it a part of our lives? These questions were always in the back of my mind while reading the novel The Fault in Our Stars. It is a tragic love story about two teenagers, who are both cancer recipients and their journey to falling in love. The two protagonists were constantly dealing with the theme of suffering. In the novel, the author John Green uses his protagonists Hazel Grace Lancaster and AugustusRead MoreThe Fault in Our Stars by John Green624 Words   |  3 Pagesinspires hopefulness and confidence about the future. Optimism propels people and novels forward. Optimism is a driving force in the novel â€Å"Lord of The Flies† by William Golding and the novel â€Å"The Fault in Our Stars† by John Green. In the novel â€Å"Lord of the Flies†,one of the most important emotions is optimism. Without optimism the boys would have no hope that they would make it off the island. At the start of the novel things are not going the boys way, their plane crashes in the middle of nowhereRead MoreIn the Fault of Our Stars Essay638 Words   |  3 Pagesdying† (Green 3). John Green implements many aspect of his experience at the Children’s hospital and his encounter with Esther Earl as a reflection of Hazel’s life through the book â€Å"The Fault in Our Stars.† John Green’s experience at the Children’s hospital changed his life around. â€Å"Watching children die had a profound effect on John Green’s life† in a positive way because it â€Å"convinced him to abandon his vocation to be a Christian minister and turned him into an author† (Interview, Green). ThroughoutRead MoreThe Samurais Garden and The Fault in Our Stars Essay1051 Words   |  5 PagesThe Samurai’s Garden and John Green’s The fault in our Stars both reflect on beauty being in the eye of the beholder. At least two characters from each book have the most effect when it comes to dealing with beauty being in the eye of the beholder. As well as beauty being huge in both novels, many people don’t understand why each character end up falling in love with each other. These characters end up going through the toughest of obstacles throughout each book. Both novels are very inspiring to someRead MoreEssay on John Green6381 Words   |  26 Pagesof Nerdfighteria There are numerous authors in the world that live to serve some impact. Specifically upon readers of course, where all of their work can be praised eternally. Words among other words get jumbled together and allow imagination to be used freely within the contents of the novels. Now since there are many writers that can be noticed for their lasting contributions, there is one novelist that can stand out against many. Not only is he an author but he spends his time making an effort

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