Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Stereotypes in American Born Chinese Essay examples

All women are too sensitive! All Mexicans are illegal immigrants! If you’re from the South, then you are ignorant! Most people have heard at least one of these stereotypes pertaining to a certain group. Some people believe them whilst others do not. American Born Chinese illustrates three stories depicting the custom of stereotypes surrounding society: â€Å"The Monkey King†, the story of Monkey King’s thirst for infinite power, and his quest for atonement; â€Å"Jin Wang†, the story an awkward boy who tries to â€Å"fit in† the community around from but constantly fails; and â€Å"Danny†, the story about a high schooler who feels uncomfortable by his stereotypically negative Chinese cousin Chin-Kee. In this day-and-age, stereotypes are what bring people†¦show more content†¦The stereotype â€Å"Chinese people are really smart† is also bought into light as the well-crafted character Chin-Kee answers all the questions correctly while people just stare vacantly in the background: Female Teacher: The Nina, the Pinta, and the- Chin-Kee: Santa Malia! Male Teacher: The ulna is connected to the- Chin-Kee: Humelus! (Yang 112). To some people this is not be viewed as a stereotype due to the fact it is not instantly perceived as â€Å"negative†; for those readers who delve in deeper, this stereotype outlines the educational daily hidden pressure of people from Chinese descent whom do not fit this â€Å"positive† stereotype. Every day, especially in American society, classmates look to their Asian counterparts to provide the answers to questions they do not know in every subject they take. Nonetheless, this ridiculous assumption hurts the Asian students that do not feel comfortable with their intellectual abilities. Placing Asian students as the â€Å"model student† excludes the students who actually have problems and need help that other classmates are reluctant to give the students simply because their classmates do not view helping their struggling Asian classmates as an actual necessity. By â€Å"poking† fun and bringing into light both Asian stereotypes, Yang enforces view th at stereotypes are in use today. Likewise, both the â€Å"Jin Wang† and â€Å"Danny†Show MoreRelatedAmerican Born Chinese in ABC by Gene Yang Essay634 Words   |  3 Pagesreveals many common stereotypes about chinese people and the struggle they might have in fitting in. Chin-kee one of the main characters is very stereotypical and impacts Danny and Jin’s life greatly. 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